Microsoft Office Application Suit Computer Notes
- Microsoft Office Application Suit consists of various products like Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Outlook. All these products are developed by the Microsoft Corporation. Every product is made for a special purpose and is perfectly compatible with others included in that package. The latest version of Microsoft Office Application Suit is Microsoft Office 2016.
Applications of Microsoft Office -
Microsoft Office 2016 has 8 applications.
- Microsoft Word is used to create text documents.
- Microsoft Excel helps to create simple and complex data or the numerical spreadsheets.
- Microsoft Access is used for the Database Management.
- Microsoft PowerPoint is the application for creating professional presentations using Multimedia.
- Microsoft OneNote is used as an alternative of the paper notebook that enables the users to organize the notes.
- Microsoft Publisher is an introductory application to create and publish the materials related to marketing.
- Microsoft Outlook is used as the email application. It includes contact manager, task manager, calendar, browsing web, journal, note taking etc.
Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Word –
- Ctrl + O – It opens document.
- Ctrl + S – It saves document.
- Ctrl + N – It opens the new document.
- Ctrl + W – It closes the current document.
- Ctrl + S – It saves the opened document
- Ctrl + P – It provides print option to the current document.
- Ctrl + S – It undoes last action.
- Ctrl + Y – It restores action undone.
- Ctrl + X – It cut the selected item.
- Ctrl + C – It copies the selected item.
- Ctrl + V – It pastes the previously copied or cut selected item.
- Ctrl + A – It selects all text.
- Ctrl + F – It opens find and replace option.
- Ctrl + B – It bold-en selected text.
- Ctrl + I – It italicizes selected text.
- Ctrl + U – It underlines selected text.
- Ctrl + Shift + D – It underlines double.
- Ctrl + Shift + > - It increases font size of the selected text.
- Ctrl + Shift + < - It decreases font size of the selected text.
- Ctrl + 2 – It provides spacing Double line.
- End – It goes to the end of the line.
- Home – It goes to the starting of the line.
- Ctrl + End – It takes to the last page of a document.
- Ctrl + Shift + F – It activates the font option and user can choose the desired font.
- Ctrl + Shift + N – It applies the normal style to selected text.
- ‘Ctrl + =’ – It is used for superscript.
- ‘Ctrl + Shift + +’ - It is used for superscript.
- Ctrl + Enter – It inserts the page break.
- Ctrl + K – It inserts a hyperlink.
- Ctrl + L – It aligns the selected text towards left.
- Ctrl + R – It aligns the selected text towards right.
- Ctrl + E - It aligns the selected text in center.
- Ctrl + J – It justifies the alignment of selected text.
- Ctrl + [- It decreases the size of font by one.
- Ctrl +] - It increases the size of font by one.
- Alt + R – It opens review tab to check the spelling.
- Alt + Shift + T – It inserts current time.
- Alt + Shift + D - It inserts current Date.
- Alt + I + P + C – It opens the clip art box on right side of document.
- Alt + I + P + H – It opens the graph or chart options box in form of excel.
- Alt + I + P + W – It opens ‘Word Art’ options Box.
- Alt + I + P + O – It opens a flowchart that can be edited.
- Shift+ Delete – It deletes selected item in folders permanently.
- Ctrl + Del – It deletes the one word at right.
- Ctrl + F4 – It closes current document.
- Shift + Enter – It breaks the line.
- F1 – It is used for word help.
- F7 – It is used for checking the spelling.
- F9 – It is used for refresh.
- F12 – It is used for “save document as”
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