Word List For SSC And Banking Exams 22 - 23 May
- Meaning in Hindi - आसक्त, लीन, वशीभूत, व्यसनी
- Meaning in English - the need or strong desire to do or to have something, or a very strong liking for something
- Meaningful Sentence - Video games can be addictive.
- Synonyms - absorbed, accustomed, attached, devoted, hooked, inclined
- Antonyms - indifferent, unwilling, disinclined, independent, opposed, unaccustomed
- Meaning in Hindi - वार्षिक भत्ता या वृत्ति, वार्षिक वेतन, वार्षिक वृत्ति
- Meaning in English - income from capital investment paid in a series of regular payments
- Meaningful Sentence - She receives a small annuity.
- Synonyms - net, income, gain, earning, profit, return
- Antonyms - debt, loss, defeat, failure, forfeit
- Meaning in Hindi - लाश, मरा हुआ जानवर, सड़ा हुआ मांस, सड़ा हुआ माँस
- Meaning in English - the dead and rotting body of an animal; unfit for human food
- Meaningful Sentence - They showed themselves in battles hovering over the heads of the combatants in the form of a carrion crow.
- Synonyms - body, corpse, remains
- Meaning in Hindi - जानकार, दक्ष, निपुण, परिचित, प्रवीण, सुपरिचित, अभिज्ञ
- Meaning in English - to be familiar with, and have knowledge or experience of the facts or rules of something:
- Meaningful Sentence - I'm not conversant with the rules of chess.
- Synonyms - abreast,acquainted,knowledgeable,practiced,proficient,skilled, versed
- Antonyms - ignorant, inexperienced, quiet, silent
- Meaning in Hindi - भ्रम-निवृत्ति, भ्रमापमोचन, भ्रांति-मुक्त होना
- Meaning in English - to disappoint someone by telling them the unpleasant truth about something or someone that they had a good opinion of or respected:
- Meaningful Sentence - I'm sorry to disillusion you, but pregnancy is not always wonderful - I was sick every day for six months.
- Synonyms - disenchanted,embittered, broken, debunked, disabused, enlightened
- Antonyms - enchanted, encouraged, enthusiastic
- Meaning in Hindi - अशुद्धि, दोष, धोखा, भांति, भुलावा, भ्रांति, झूठा तर्क, मिथ्या हेतु
- Meaning in English - an idea that a lot of people think is true but is in fact false:
- Meaningful Sentence - It is a common fallacy that women are worse drivers than men.
- Synonyms - quirk, flaw, heresy, cavil, deceit
- Antonyms - truth, accuracy, certainty, conformity, correction, directness
- Meaning in Hindi - कपटी, घातक, छली, धूर्त, धोखेबाज
- Meaning in English - (of something unpleasant or dangerous) gradually and secretly causing harm:
- Meaningful Sentence - High blood pressure is an insidious condition which has few symptoms.
- Synonyms - dangerous, subtle, artful, astute, corrupt, crafty, crooked
- Antonyms - fair,honest, open, sincere
- Meaning in Hindi - अन्तर्ज्ञान, सहज-ज्ञान, अंतर्दृष्टि, बिना विचार या प्रमाण के ज्ञान, सहज ज्ञान, अंतःप्रज्ञा
- Meaning in English - (knowledge from) an ability to understand or know something immediately based on your feelings rather than facts:
- Meaningful Sentence - Often there's no clear evidence one way or the other and you just have to base your judgment on intuition.
- Synonyms - hunch,instinct,clairvoyance, discernment, divination, ESP, feeling, foreknowledge, inspiration, nose
- Antonyms - knowledge, reason, reasoning
- Meaning in Hindi - अभिवादन, आदर, श्रद्धा, सम्मान, इज़्ज़त, दण्डवत प्रणाम
- Meaning in English - he fact of obeying or respecting someone, or something you do that expresses this:
- Meaningful Sentence - One by one the noblemen made their obeisances (= bent at the waist) to the queen.
- Synonyms - allegiance,bow,curtsy, deference, fealty, genuflection, homage, honor
- Antonyms - censure, condemnation, disdain, dishonor, disloyalty, isregard,disrespect
- Meaning in Hindi - घ्राण संबंधी, सूंघनेवाला
- Meaning in English - connected with the ability to smell:
- Meaningful Sentence - These are known as olfactory filaments or aesthetascs.
- Synonyms - loud, heady, foul, fetid, moldy, musty
- Antonyms - odorless
- Meaning in Hindi - घालमेल, झमेला, तड़प, लोट, हड़बड़ी
- Meaning in English - a large and especially badly organized number of things:
- Meaningful Sentence - We are reducing the company's welter of development projects and will streamline sales and marketing.
- Synonyms - roll, toss, grovel, jumble, tumble
- Antonyms - clam, order, pease
- Meaning in Hindi - मोटा, विस्तीर्ण, स्थूल, बहुत बड़ा, बहुत पुस्तकों का, विशाल-काय
- Meaning in English - A voluminous piece of clothing is large and consists of a lot of cloth:
- Meaningful Sentence - Her voluminous silk dress billowed out behind her.
- Synonyms - full, legion, ample, billowing, copious
- Antonyms - lacking, meager, little, slight, small
- Meaning in Hindi - अकृत्रिम, असली, उत्कृष्ट, खरा, पक्का, वास्तविक
- Meaning in English - highest in quality
- Meaningful Sentence - Everyone has made a sterling effort.
- Synonyms - grand. fine, choice, splendid, stunning
- Antonyms - bad, inferior, insignificant, ordinary, poor, regular
- Meaning in Hindi - अवशिष्ट, अवशेष, छाछ, परिशिष्ट, बाकी, शेष
- Meaning in English - the part that is left after the main part has gone or been taken away, or a substance that remains after a chemical process such as evaporation:
- Meaningful Sentence - She cut off the best meat and threw away the residue.
- Synonyms - rest, slag, silt, heel, extra, junk
- Antonyms - base, core, lack, necessity, need, want
- Meaning in Hindi - गद्य संबंधी, अग्रमंच, गद्य रूप, तत्त्वहीन, आगा, गद्यवत
- Meaning in English - without interest, imagination, and excitement:
- Meaningful Sentence - If only she'd been called Camilla or Flavia instead of the prosaic Jane.
- Synonyms - blah, flat, dull, dry, actual
- Antonyms - exciting, unusual, creative, imaginative, interesting, thinking
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