Q1.What is the name of device which is designed to read information encoded into a small plastic card?
A. Tape puncher
B. Badge reader
C. Magnetic tape
D. Both (b) and (c)
Q2.MSI stands for
A.Medium Scale Intellectual Circuit
B.Medium Scale Integrated Circuits
C.Medium System Intelligent Circuits
D.None of these
Q3.What was the Chief component of first generation computer?
A.Vacuum Tubes and Valves
D.Both (a) and (b)
Q4.Which among the following is not purely output device?
A. Printer
D.None of these
Q5.URL stands for
A.Uniform Resource License
B.Uniform Resource Locator
C.Uniform Registered Locator
D.None of these
Q6. Laser printer is ------
A.Non impact printing
B.Impact printing
C.Semi impact printing
D.None of these
Q7.Binary circuit elements have
A.One stable state
B.Two stable state
C.Four stable state
D.Vary from one to four stable state
Q8.CRC stands for
A.Clocking redundancy check
B.Cyclic redundancy check
C.Cyclic redundancy correction
D.None of these
Q9.What is FORTRAN ?
A. Formula Translation
B.Formula Transmison
C.Format Translation
D.None of these
Q10.What is the name of device that performs signal conversion?
D.Both (b) and (c)
A. Tape puncher
B. Badge reader
C. Magnetic tape
D. Both (b) and (c)
Q2.MSI stands for
A.Medium Scale Intellectual Circuit
B.Medium Scale Integrated Circuits
C.Medium System Intelligent Circuits
D.None of these
Q3.What was the Chief component of first generation computer?
A.Vacuum Tubes and Valves
D.Both (a) and (b)
Q4.Which among the following is not purely output device?
A. Printer
D.None of these
Q5.URL stands for
A.Uniform Resource License
B.Uniform Resource Locator
C.Uniform Registered Locator
D.None of these
Q6. Laser printer is ------
A.Non impact printing
B.Impact printing
C.Semi impact printing
D.None of these
Q7.Binary circuit elements have
A.One stable state
B.Two stable state
C.Four stable state
D.Vary from one to four stable state
Q8.CRC stands for
A.Clocking redundancy check
B.Cyclic redundancy check
C.Cyclic redundancy correction
D.None of these
Q9.What is FORTRAN ?
A. Formula Translation
B.Formula Transmison
C.Format Translation
D.None of these
Q10.What is the name of device that performs signal conversion?
D.Both (b) and (c)
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