Boost Your SSC CGL TIER II Preparation
The SSC CGL Tier I exam is over and the dates of Tier II Exam has already been released. Now as the result of Tier I Exam is out those of you who have qualified in the exam must be thinking on how to prepare for the upcoming Tier II Exam so we can atleast reach the level to boost SSC CGL Tier 2 Preparation.
But you do not have to worry as today we are going to discuss about some tips that will help you boost your preparation for SSC CGL Tier II Examination. The SSC CGL Tier II Examination consists of two papers for general of 200 marks each Quantitative Aptitude and English.
Quantitative Aptitude will have 100 questions of total 200 marks and English Section will have 200 questions of 200 marks. A negative marking of 0.50 will be there for Aptitude and of 0.25 for English.
Now, first let's talk about Quantitative Aptitude. A few of you might find this section difficult but that can be easily proved wrong if you do practise well.
Preparation Tips for Quant.
- Firstly, you should have a brief idea about the syllabus of Quant for Tier II Exam. As the syllabus for both the Tier I and II exams are quite similar so you would just have to revise the entire thing once.
- Next thing you need to do is identify all those sections which have been left uncovered or you just feel that you are not very confident in that section.
- Prepare a schedule according to your analysis and then try to focus on all the weak sections.
- Topics like Trigonometry, Algebra, Mensuration and Geometry are vital parts and are commonly asked which is why you should focus on these parts.
- Go through such books on Quant. which covers all the topics properly and have enough practise questions both solved and unsolved.
- Once you know the basic rules of each topic then try solving practise sets. You must practise daily to achieve your goal.
- While you give mock tests try to figure out those questions which seems to be difficult or time consuming for you. Try to take out some shortcuts for those type of questions.
- Make it a habit to solve mock tests or practise sets by keeping a track of the time you are taking. Not only that but also try to improve your time limits day by day.
- SSC keeps repeating its questions so do practise the entire set of questions that have been asked in the previous 10 years.
- Try to attempt all the questions while you practise. But during exam you should answer cautiously because of negative marking. So make sure your answers are accurate.
The other paper of CGL is English and most of you get nervous regarding this section. But, that's just a mania and you simply need to get over it. If you think that scoring well in Quant. is going to help you get through the exam easily then you are wrong as it is not going to help. So if you are preparing then focus on both the papers and not just one.
Preparation Tips for English
- First of all know about all the topics on English that are commonly asked in SSC CGL exam.
- Unlike bank exams, SSC focusses a lot on vocabulary so you need to start preparing for English well before hand.
- Topics like grammar, vocabulary, comprehension and sentence rearrangement are the most common.
- Try to learn one word substitution, Idioms and phrases and other vocabulary by using short tricks.
- Identify all those sections which you think is difficult for you. But do not try mugging up a lot of new things because you might just end up confusing yourself.
- Next prepare a schedule for your English and start revising all the basic rules of Grammar and vocabulary. Keep revising everyday because it's quite natural to forget the rules.
- Try to practise quiz based on each topic so that you have a clear idea of the concept.
- Sort out all the questions from the last 10 years and practise them one by one.
- Try to read English Newspaper daily as that would automatically help you to improve your vocabulary and increase your reading speed.
- Reading Comprehension is another common question so you need to increase your speed.
- Solving mock tests and analyzing them should be an important part of your entire process of preparation.
- English can only be expertised by more and more practise. Try to keep track of the amount of time you require for the test.
- Make sure your answers are accurate as one wrong answer can cost you 0.25 marks. So be careful.
- If you are confused while answering try to follow the elimination process.
- English is a very scoring section. Prepare in such a way that you do not have to miss a single question.
Good Luck to all the candidates for the Tier II Exam!!
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