List of Employment and Development Programs - An Overview
Essential for All SSC Exams (Specially for SSC CGL)
- Community Development Programme (CDP)- In 1952-Development of rural area economy by participation of villagers and utilise their rural property in a suitable way.
- Family Planning Policy (FPP)-In 1952-Control Population growth.
- Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS)-In 1954-Health development of Government employee and their family.
- Intensive Agriculture Development Programme (IADP)-In 1960-61-To section Loan, provide Machinery, Seeds and Extract.
- Intensive Agriculture Area Programme (IAAP)-1964-65- Especially development of Agriculture.
- Credit Authorisation Scheme (CAS) – In 1965 – Control of quality of loan given by RESERVE Bank.
- High Yield Varity Programme (HYVP) –In 1966-67 – Increase the production of grains by using latest seeds, fartiliser and modern machinery.
- Indian Tourism Development Programme (ITDP) - In 1966, oct., - Established Guest House and Hotels in various place of country.
- Green Revolution (GR) -1966-67 – Increase the production of food grains specially Wheat (Dr. M.S.Swaminathan founder of GR in India).
- Nationalisation of 14 banks – In 1969, July- Provide loan in Agriculture, rural development and other important development programme.
- Rural Electrification Corporation – In 1969, July-Electric supply in rural area.
- Housing And Urban Development Corporation – in 1970, April-Loan provide to Housing development and employee help.
- Scheme of Discriminatory Interest Rate – 172, April – Provide loan in a low rate of interest to weaker socialist.
- Employment Guarantee Scheme Maharashtra -1972-73- To help economically weaker section in rural area.
- Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme (ARWSP) - 1972-73 – Distribution drinking water to rural area.
- Drought Prone Area Programme (DDPAP) – 1973 – Reservation of underground water and balanced environment and controlling drought situation.
- Crash Scheme for Rural Employment (CSRE) - 1972-73- Rural employment.
- Marginal Farmer and Agriculture Labour Agency (MFALA) - 1973-74-Helpin small farmer and agriculture labour.
- Small Farmer Development Agency (SFDA) - 1974-75- support economically and technically to small farmers.
- Command Area Development Programme (CADP) - 1974-75 –to rapid and quality irrigation of large and medium projects.
- Twenty Point Programme (TPP) - 1975- Reduce poverty and quality of living.
- National Institution of Rural Development (NIRD) – 1977-Giving training, advice and investigation to rural are development.
- Antyodaya Yajana - 1977-78 – Economical support to giving poorest people of Rajasthan state.
- Training Rural Youth for Self Employment (TRYSEM) – 1979 –Provide training to rural area youth people for self employment.
- Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP) – 1980- Overall development By distribution of asset and property for self employment in rural area.
- National Fund for Rural Development (NFRD) – 1984- 100% Tax free to donate money for rural development project.
- Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) -1988 – To safely Investor investment in capital market and share market.
- Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (JRY) – 1989-Employment given to the rural area.
- Nehru Rozger Yojna (NRY) – 1989- Provide employment to Urban area.
- Agricultural and Rural Debt Relief Scheme (ARDRS) – 1990- To leave loan up to Rs.10000 of manufacturer and wavers in rural area.
- Supply of Improved Toolkits to Rural Artisans (SITRA) – 1992- To provide modern tools to embroiders labour, tobacco labour, and wavers in rural areas.
- Prime Minister Integrated Urban Poverty Eradication Programme (PMIUEP) – 1995-Taking project in 345 cities about poverty reduced where people live in between 50000 to 100000.
- Group Life Insurance Scheme (GLIS) – 1995-96- facility giving to rural people at low premium insurance.
- Ganga Kalyan Yojana -1997-98- Economical help to the farmer to utilise properly ground and surface water.
- Bhaggashree Balkalyn Policy – 1998- Development the condition of women.
- Rajrayeshwari Mahila Kalyan Yojana (RMKY) -1998- Provide insurance security to the girl.
- Annapurna Yojana - 1999 – supply 10 kg food grains to the senior citizen who do not get pension.
- Bharat Nirman Programme (BNP) - 2005- All round development in specially six thing i.e., Housing, Water supply, Electricity, Telephone, Road, Irrigation.
- National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) – 2006- 100 days employment project in rural area. It is totally centralised.
- Jan Dhan Yojana – 28 Aug. 2014- Specilly Insurance coverage and more bank account opening.
Important Notes at a Glance:
- Marginal Workers: - Who wok less than 183 days in a year.
- Apex Bank for Agriculture loan: - NABARD-1982.
- Agriculture tax collects by:- State Government.
- Loan for Industry development: - IDBI, IFCI, SFC BANK.
- One rupee note supply by: - Government of India finance department.
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