Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams 2017
Dolorous- Meaning in Hindi - उदास, दुःखद, दुःखी, रंजीदा, दर्दनाक, दुःखमय, शोकपूर्ण
- Meaning in English - sad, or causing sadness or emotional suffering
- Meaningful Sentence - The dolorous film made me recall sad times.
- Synonyms - dolent, dire, painful, plaintive, mournful
- Antonyms - cheery, happy, hopeful
- Meaning in Hindi - चमकाना, मढ़ना, कली करना, सोना आदि चढ़ाना, मुलम्मा करना, कलई करना
- Meaning in English - to cover a surface with a thin layer of gold or a substance that looks like gold
- Meaningful Sentence - Sunlight gilded the children's faces.
- Synonyms - adorn, begild, engild, grace, paint, tinsel
- Antonyms - decrease, harm, reduce, reveal, strip
- Meaning in Hindi - तरेरना, आँखें तरेर कर देखना, तिरछी निगाह से देखना
- Meaning in English - to look very angry, annoyed, or threatening:
- Meaningful Sentence - There's no point glowering at me like that - you know the rules.
- Synonyms - sulk, watch, look, lower, stare, glare
- Antonyms - grin, overlook, smile, ignore
- Meaning in Hindi - छेड़ना, टोकना, फँसाना, बोलना, मिलना, सम्बोधित करना, कुशलमंगल पूछना
- Meaning in English - to go up to or stop and speak to someone in a threatening way:
- Meaningful Sentence - I'm usually accosted by beggars and drunks as I walk to the station.
- Synonyms - call, face, greet, hail, annoy, bother, hall
- Antonyms - aid, help, ignore, refrain, slight, turn away, avoid, dodge
- Meaning in Hindi - निकलना, बढ़ना, मिलना, को प्राप्त होना, इकट्ठा करना, उपचय होना, उत्पन्न होना, प्राप्ति होना, लाभ होना, जमा करना
- Meaning in English - to increase in number or amount over a period of time:
- Meaningful Sentence - Interest will accrue on the account at a rate of seven percent.
- Synonyms - grow, collect, gather, flow, amass
- Antonyms - disperse, dissipate, spend, decrease, diminish, distribute, divide
- Meaning in Hindi - अधिकार, गहन, ग्रहणाधिकार, दावा, धारणाधिकार, पुनर्ग्रहणाधिकार, स्वत्व
- Meaning in English - an official order that allows someone to keep the property of a person who owes them money until it has been paid
- Meaningful Sentence -
- Synonyms - charge, claim, hold on property
- Meaning in Hindi - उपयोग, प्रयोजन, प्राप्ति , फल , लाभ , सहायता
- Meaning in English - use, purpose, advantage, or profit:
- Meaningful Sentence - We tried to persuade her not to resign, but to no avail (= did not succeed).
- Synonyms - account, benefit, use, advantage, service
- Antonyms - inappropriateness
- Meaning in Hindi - अल्प, लघु, संक्षिप्त, सारिक
- Meaning in English - short and clear, expressing what needs to be said without unnecessary words:
- Meaningful Sentence - Make your answers clear and concise.
- Synonyms - lean, curt, pithy, terse, brief
- Antonyms - lengthy, long-winded, wordy, expansive, long
- Meaning in Hindi - अस्वस्थ, दूषित, बीमार, रुग्ण, रुग्णता , रोगी
- Meaning in English - too interested in unpleasant subjects, especially death
- Meaningful Sentence - He'd always had a morbid sense of humor, like hers.
- Synonyms - moody, grim, sick, grisly
- Antonyms - sound, healthy, pleased, happy, joyful
- Meaning in Hindi - मनाना, किसी को मनाना
- Meaning in English - to try to persuade someone to do something or give you something by praising them or being intentionally charming:
- Meaningful Sentence - She's one of those children who can wheedle you into giving her anything she wants.
- Synonyms - snow, seduce, court, cajole
- Antonyms - disenchant, disgust, dissuade, offend, repel, repulse
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