Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams
Tepid- Meaning in Hindi - उत्साहहीन, गुनगुना, कुनकुना, कुछ कुछ गर्म, बेमन से दिया गया
- Meaning in English - (of liquid) not very warm
- Meaningful Sentence - We have had such torrid weather that the water in the lake is tepid.
- Synonyms - dull, mild, semi-hot, lifeless
- Antonyms - enthusiastic, keen, cold, hot
- Meaning in Hindi - अजीर्ण, अति, आधिक्य, ऊब, तृप्ति, अतिरेक
- Meaning in English - an amount that is too large, or is more than is needed:
- Meaningful Sentence -The country has a surfeit of cheap labour.
- Synonyms - glut, bellyful, overflow, overkill, satiety
- Antonyms - lack, need, want, base, core, main
- Meaning in Hindi - प्रतिज्ञा करना, शर्त लगाना, होड़ करना, नियम करना, बंधेज करना, अपेक्षा करना
- Meaning in English - to say exactly how something must be or must be done:
- Meaningful Sentence - She agreed to buy the car, but stipulated racing tyres and a turbo-powered engine.
- Synonyms - name, make, impose, detail, slot, settle, pledge
- Antonyms - break, break off, calculate, confuse, decline, disagree, discourage
- Meaning in Hindi - बेपरवाह, शिथिल, श्लथ, धर्म भ्रष्ट, भ्रष्टाचरित, उदास
- Meaning in English - without much care, attention, or control:
- Meaningful Sentence - The subcommittee contends that the authorities were lax in investigating most of the cases.
- Synonyms - careless, indifferent, lenient, negligent, sloppy, soft, vague
- Antonyms - attentive, careful, caring, concerned, hard, mindful, severe, rigid
- Meaning in Hindi - लूटना, तीक्ष्ण आलोचना करना, कोड़े मारना, चमड़ा उतारना, खाल उतारना, कटु आलोचना करना
- Meaning in English - to whip a person or animal so hard that some of their skin comes off:
- Meaningful Sentence - The leader of the opposing party rose to his feet, and began to flay the government for its arrant neglect of the reforestation programme.
- Synonyms - excoriate, peel, scalp, skin
- Antonyms - cover, praise
- Meaning in Hindi - मदहोश, शराबी, सराबोर, पूरी तरह भीगा हुआ, पूरी तरह से भीगा हुआ
- Meaning in English - (of something that can absorb water) extremely wet:
- Meaningful Sentence - The football field was absolutely sodden.
- Synonyms - soaked, soggy, drenched, steeped, water-logged, wet
- Antonyms - arid, dry
- Meaning in Hindi - अपव्यय, उदारता, प्रचुर, प्राचुर्य, लुटाऊ, विपुल, अति
- Meaning in English - produced or given in large amounts:
- Meaningful Sentence - She was admitted to St Mary's Hospital with profuse bleeding.
- Synonyms - abounding, alive with, ample, aplenty, bounteous, bountiful
- Antonyms - lacking, sparse, wanting
- Meaning in Hindi - अधर्मी, कपटपूर्ण, कपटी, चालबाज, छलपूर्ण, छली
- Meaning in English - dishonest and illegal:
- Meaningful Sentence - A worrying trend for insurers has been a rise in fraudulent claims.
- Synonyms - mock, phony, sham, fake, forged, crafty
- Antonyms - open, real, valid, true, frank, moral
- Meaning in Hindi - मरसिया, शोक-गीत, शोकगीत, सांपा, शोक सूचक गीत, करुण गीत
- Meaning in English - a sad poem or song, especially remembering someone who has died or something in the past:
- Meaningful Sentence - Gray's "Elegy in a Country Churchyard" is a famous English poem.
- Synonyms - knell, lament, plaint, requiem, threnody, death song
- Meaning in Hindi - चिकना, धाराप्रवाह, बकवादी, सुवक्ता, सतही, फिसलता हुआ
- Meaning in English - speaking or spoken in a confident way, but without careful thought or honesty:
- Meaningful Sentence - He's a glib, self-centred man.
- Synonyms - artful, articulate, loquent, facile, loquacious, talkative, easy
- Antonyms - quiet, silent, inarticulate, stuttering, tongue-tied, uncommunicative
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