Daily Vocabulary for upcoming Banking Exams
Effective For All Exam
Daily Vocabulary for upcoming Banking Exams
Effective For All Exam
Dear Reader,
We Achiever's Rule team going to start daily word list for upcoming banking exams. Vocabulary plays a vital role to boost up your score in your upcoming exams. Here we will provide you a lists of daily vocab based on "The Hindu" and "Time of India".
Meaning in Hindi - एकचित्तता, सहमाति, एकदिली, ऐक्य, सांजस्य. तालमेल, मिलाप, मेल , संधि
Meaning in English - (a formal) agreement:
Meaningful Sentence - On 31 May the two leaders signed a peace accord.
Synonyms - deal, pact, concert, okay, harmony, treaty
Antonyms - disagreement, difference, discord, disunity, refusal, antagonism, denial
Meaning in Hindi - अनुरूपता, अनुसरता, अनुसार, एकता , ऐक्य, प्रदान, मेल
Meaning in English - following or obeying a rule, law, wish, etc.:
Meaningful Sentence - In accordance with her wishes, she was buried in France.
Synonyms - accord, conformity, consonance, conformance, conformation, congruence,
Antonyms - disagreement, discord, nonconformity, refusal
Meaning in Hindi - वैरी, शत्रु, अरि, प्रतिवादी, रिपु, वादी, विपक्षी, विरोधी
Meaning in English - an enemy:
Meaningful Sentence - He saw her as his main adversary within the company.
Synonyms - foe, rival, bandit, match opposer
Antonyms - ally, friend, assistant, backer, helper, helpmate
Meaning in Hindi - आक्रमणशील, आक्रामक, क्रोधी, लड़ाका, लड़ाका, अति महत्वाकांक्षी
Meaning in English - behaving in an angry and violent way towards another person:
Meaningful Sentence - Men tend to be more aggressive than women.
Synonyms - combative, contentious, destructive, intrusive, threatening, advancings
Antonyms - calm, complaisant, easy-going, laid-back
Meaning in Hindi - कहावती, क्रमागत, परंपरागत, परम्परागत, पारंपरिक, पौराणिक, सनातन
Meaning in English - following or belonging to the customs or ways of behaving that have continued in a group of people or society for a long time without changing
Meaningful Sentence - The school uses a combination of modern and traditional methods for teaching reading.The school uses a combination of modern and traditional methods for teaching reading.
Synonyms - classic, classical, common, conventional, historic
Antonyms - abnormal, different, extraordinary, infrequent, irregular
Meaning in Hindi - विषहर, जहर मोहरा, विष हरण, विषनाशक औषधि, विष नाशक, विषहर औषध
Meaning in English - a chemical, especially a drug, that limits the effects of a poison:
Meaningful Sentence - Sales of nerve gas antidotes increased dramatically before the war.
Synonyms - corrective, countermeasure, cure, remedy, antitoxin, antivenin, medicine
Antonyms - poison, disease
Meaning in Hindi - डरना, पकड़ना, समझना, पकड़ाना, प्रतीक्षा करना, अनुभव करना
Meaning in English - to catch and arrest someone who has not obeyed the law:
Meaningful Sentence - The police have finally apprehended the killer.
Synonyms - bust, capture, seize, bag, collar, cop, grab, nab
Antonyms - forget, free, let go, liberate, release, lose
Meaning in Hindi - बढ़ना, बढ़ाना, संवर्ध, वृद्धि करना, बढ़ा देना, बढ़ती करना
Meaning in English - to increase the size or value of something by adding something to it:
Meaningful Sentence - He would have to find work to augment his income.
Synonyms - add to, amplify, boost, build up, develop
Antonyms - abridge, compress, condense, contract, curtail
Meaning in Hindi - प्राधिकृत करना, अधिकार देना, प्रमाणित करना
Meaning in English - to give official permission for something to happen, or to give someone official permission to do something:
Meaningful Sentence - Who authorized this expenditure?
Synonyms - empower, enable, entitle, license, okay, accredit, bless
Antonyms - refuse, reject, deny, disapprove, disallow
Meaning in Hindi - आसमानी, नभोनील, नीलवर्ण, नीला, मेघहीन
Meaning in English - having the bright blue colour of the sky on a clear day:
Meaningful Sentence - The once azure skies of Athens have been ruined by atmospheric pollution.
Synonyms - blue, cerulean, sky-blue, deep blue, pale blue
Antonyms -
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