Daily Word List for upcoming Banking Exams
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Knell- Meaning in Hindi - बजाना, मृत्यु के समय घंटा बजाना या बजना, घंटा बजा कर मृत्यु की सूचना देना
- Meaning in English - make (bells) ring, often for the purposes of musical edification
- Meaningful Sentence - My uncle rings every Sunday at the local church
- Synonyms - bell, ring, signal, sound, summon
- Meaning in Hindi - टीला, टेकरी, पहाड़ी, घंटा बजाना, घण्टे का शब्द
- Meaning in English - a small low hill with a rounded top
- Meaningful Sentence - The charming inn was set on a knoll in the country.
- Synonyms - bluff, cliff, dune, hilltop, promontory
- Antonyms - decline, depression
- Meaning in Hindi - अनिच्छुक, अप्रसन्न, विमुख
- Meaning in English - to be unwilling to do something:
- Meaningful Sentence - I'm loath to spend it all at once.
- Synonyms - afraid, hesitant, reluctant, unwilling, counter, disinclined
- Antonyms - eager, ready, willing, approving, for
- Meaning in Hindi - नफरत करना, से घृणा करना, घृणा करना, नापसन्द करना, अनिच्छा प्रकट करना
- Meaning in English - to hate someone or something
- Meaningful Sentence - From an early age the brothers have loathed each other.
- Synonyms - abhor, despise, detest, hate, abominate, decline, execrate, refuse, reject
- Antonyms - admire, adore, cherish, like, love, accept, allow
- Meaning in Hindi - बिगाड़ना, दूषित करना, न करना, हानि करना, हानि पहुंचाना
- Meaning in English - to spoil something, making it less good or less enjoyable
- Meaningful Sentence - Sadly, the text is marred by careless errors.
- Synonyms - blight, bruise, harm, impair, ruin, scar, spoil, stain, sully
- Antonyms - aid, assist, build, clean, create, fix, grow
- Meaning in Hindi - धुंधला, फीका, समझने में कठिन, अंधेरा, अज्ञात, अधूरा
- Meaning in English - not known to many people
- Meaningful Sentence - The obscure writer was not known in the literary community.
- Synonyms - ambiguous, arcane, complicated, confusing, cryptic, enigmatic
- Antonyms - clear, common, definite, known, obvious, plain, public
- Meaning in Hindi - हक़ीक़ी, असर डालनेवाला, प्रभाव डालनेवाला, अप्रत्यक्ष, असली, आभासी, गुणकारी
- Meaning in English - almost a particular thing or quality
- Meaningful Sentence - Ten years of incompetent government had brought about the virtual collapse of the country's economy.
- Synonyms - basic, constructive, essential. fundamental, implicit, implied
- Antonyms - actual, authentic, real
- Meaning in Hindi - कपटलज्जालु, चतुर, चौकस, दुनियादार, दूरदर्शी, नीतिज्ञ
- Meaning in English - careful and avoiding risks
- Meaningful Sentence - It's always prudent to read a contract carefully before signing it.
- Synonyms - careful, cautious, discreet, economical, fruga
- Antonyms - careless, expensive, foolish, hasty, inattentive
- Meaning in Hindi - उठाना, लगाना, खपाना, समाप्त होना, उपभोग करना, खर्च करना
- Meaning in English - to use or spend time, effort, or money
- Meaningful Sentence - You expend so much effort for so little return
- Synonyms - ante up. consume, disburse, dispense, dissipate, put out, use up, blow,
- Antonyms - aaccumulate, collect. gather, hoard, save, hold
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