Daily Vocabulary For Competitive Exams
- Meaning in Hindi - आकर्षक, मनोहर
- Meaning In English - very attractive or tempting; enticing; seductive.
- Meaningful Sentence - Downtown darling Vena Cava showed off a structured collection, full of modern lines and alluring glimpses of skin.
- Synonyms - allure, entice, appealing
- Antonyms - unattrctive
- Meaning in Hindi - उचित, उद्यत, उपयुक्त, ठीक, तत्पर, प्रवृत्त
- Meaning In English - suitable or right for a particular situation
- Meaningful Sentence - The apt student was on his way to claiming honor roll status.
- Synonyms - suitable, fitting, appropriate
- Antonyms -irrelevant
- Meaning in Hindi - पता लगाना, सुनिश्चित करना, जान लेना, जाँच कर पता लगाना, पता पा लेना
- Meaning In English - to discover something
- Meaningful Sentence - The police have so far been unable to ascertain the cause of the explosion.
- Synonyms - discry, determine, discover
- Antonyms - conceal
- Meaning in Hindi - आनन्दातिरेक, उत्साह, उल्लास, परमानंद
- Meaning In English - a state of extreme happiness, especially when feeling pleasure:
- Meaningful Sentence - She threw her head back as if in ecstasy
- Synonyms - mirth, joy, plesure, bliss
- Antonyms - worry
- Meaning in Hindi - सन, सम्वत, अनुयुग, कल्प, काल, युग
- Meaning In English - a period of time of which particular events or stages of development are typical:
- Meaningful Sentence - They had worked for peace during the long era of conflict.
- Synonyms - age, period, time, phase
- Meaning in Hindi - सर्वत्र, सब कही, सब दिशाओ मे, हर जगह, सभी के द्वारा
- Meaning In English - existing everywhere or involving everyone:
- Meaningful Sentence - The new reforms have not met with universal approval within the party.
- Synonyms - commonly, unanimously
- Antonyms - scarcely
- Meaning in Hindi - दुबला-पतला, मरियल, खड़बड़ा, जंगली, दुबला
- Meaning In English - looking ill or tired, often with dark skin under the eyes:
- Meaningful Sentence - He'd been drinking the night before and was looking a bit haggard.
- Synonyms - gaunt, worn, fatigued, faded
- Antonyms - healthy
- Meaning in Hindi - विध्वंस, विनाश, तहस नहस, उजाड़, तबाही, नष्टता
- Meaning In English - confusion and lack of order, especially causing damage or trouble:
- Meaningful Sentence - The fox created havoc is the chicken-house.
- Synonyms - destruction, chaos, mayhem
- Antonyms - animate
- Meaning in Hindi - आदर, पूजा, भक्ति, श्रद्धा, संमान, सत्कार
- Meaning In English - deep respect and often praise shown for a person or god:
- Meaningful Sentence - On this occasion we pay homage to him for his achievements.
- Synonyms - awe, duty, honor, tribute
- Antonyms - disloyalty, disregard, censure, condemnation
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