Current Affairs Quiz 22 May 2017
Q1. What is the name of the Worlds first Bio-composit car which was recently eviled by the Eindhoven University Technology, Netherland ?
A. Lina
B. Lamzen
C. Sugaan
D. Hamar 1000
Q2. Which Country recently banned on Smoking in Public place by creating one of the strictest anti tobacco law ?
A. China
D. Philippins
Q3. What is the Rank of India in Global Burden of Disease as per the Latest report released by Lancet Medical Journal's ?
A. 150
B. 146
C. 154
D. 160
Q4. Which Organisation recently won the 2014 Indira Gandhi Prize for peace, Disarmament and Development ?
D. Ministry of Railway
Q5. Name the Executive Chairman of Liberty House Group, who received the "CEO of the Year" title at Prestigious Platts Global Metals Awards in London ?
A. Mukesh Ambani
B. Lalan Singh Yadav
C. Sanjeev Gupta
D. Amitabh Kant
Q6. Which Country has declared a new law making a series of Childhood vaccinations a condition of school inscription in a move triggered by a spike in measles cases ?
A. Italy's
B. Zambia
C. New Zealand
D. Australia
Q7. Recently who won the All India Open Rapid World Chess Federation Rating Chess Tournament at Kshudiram Anushilan Kendra ?
A. Mitrabha Guha
B. R.R. Laxman
C. Srijit Paul
D. Amit Nandi
Q8. Researchers from which country have designed the World's thinnest hologram created ?
A. Australia
B. India
D. Russia
Q9. Recently who won the "Digital service Innovator of the year award" 2017 ?
A. Ratan Tata
B. Mukesh Ambani
C. Vishal Sikka
D. Sundar Pichai
Q10. Who has become the first civilian from Indian Navy to summit Mount Everest ?
A. Brijmohan Sharma
B. Nayni Keshar
C. Jamini Singh
D. Puja Bhardwaj
Q11. Which state government of India has recently launched a new e-textbook portal for school students ?
A. Punjab
B. Haryana
C. Kerala
D. West Bengal
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