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Daily Vocabulary For Bank Exam - 14


Daily Word List for SBI and IBPS PO 

Effective for Banking Exam

Dear Reader, 

We Achiever's Rule team going to start daily word list for upcoming banking exams. Vocabulary plays a vital role to boost up your score in your upcoming exams. Here we will provide you a lists of daily vocab based on "The Hindu" and "Time of India". 

Meaning in Hindi -  हराना,  परास्त करना,  मंद करना,  विफल करना,  वृथा करना
Meaning in English - a very thin sheet of metal, especially used to wrap food in to keep it fresh:
tin foil
Meaningful Sentence - UK aluminium foil
Synonyms - antithesis, background, complement, counterblow, defense, guard
Antonyms - encourage

Meaning in Hindi -  अनुमोदन,  करतलध्वनि,  जयकार,  जयघोष,  जयजयकार
Meaning in English - public approval and praise:
Meaningful Sentence - Hamlet was played by Ion Caramitrou to rapturous acclaim.
Synonyms - acclamation, applause, commendation, kudos, praise
Antonyms - blame, censure, criticism, disapproval

Meaning in Hindi -  अवतार,  आगमन,  ईसा मसीह का पृथ्वी पर आगमन,  ईसा मसीह का दुबारा आगमन,  अवतार
Meaning in English - the fact of an event happening, an invention being made, or a person arriving
Meaningful Sentence - Life was transformed by the advent of the steam engine.
Synonyms - arrival, coming, onset, appearance, approach, entrance, occurrence
Antonyms - departure, leaving, end

Meaning in Hindi -  जताना,  बतलाना,  घोषित करना,  सूचित करना,  संकेत करना
Meaning in English - to represent something:
Meaningful Sentence - The colour red is used to denote passion or danger.
Synonyms - stand for, announce, argue, bespeak, betoken, connote
Antonyms - conceal, deny, disprove, hide, veto, refuse, ignore

Meaning in Hindi -  घटाना,  घुलना,  सिकुड़ना,  सूखना,  कम करना,  कम होना
Meaning in English - to become smaller in size or amount, or fewer in number:
Meaningful Sentence - The community has dwindled to a tenth of its former size in the last two years.
Synonyms - abate, decay, decline, decrease, die down, diminish, drop, ebb
Antonyms - ascend, develop, enhance, enlarge, expand, extend

Meaning in Hindi -  विरोध खड़ा करना,  परचाना,  पालना,  सुधारना,  प्राप्त करना,  सभ्य बनाना
Meaning in English - to take back something that was yours:
Meaningful Sentence - You'll be able to reclaim the tax on all equipment that you buy.
Synonyms - convert, recover, rescue, restore, salvage, recondition, recycle, redeem
Antonyms - harm, hurt, injure, lose, abandon, forfeit

Meaning in Hindi -  प्रार्थना पत्र,  दर्ख़्वास्त,  दरख़ास्त,  विनती-पत्र,  सानुरोध याचना,  अर्जी,  आवेदन
Meaning in English - a document signed by a large number of people demanding or asking for some action from the government or another authority:
Meaningful Sentence - The taxpayers drew up a petition listing their grievances.
Synonyms - application, prayer, request, suit, memorial, imprecation, supplication, 
Antonyms - NA

Meaning in Hindi -  अभ्यास , आदत,  आदी,  प्रकृति,  स्वभाव 
Meaning in English - in the way that someone usually does:
Meaningful Sentence - According to his wont he took a walk in the evening.
Synonyms - given, accustomed, inclined, used, used to
Antonyms - NA

Meaning in Hindi -  उत्साही,  लौलीन,  सरगर्म,  पुरजोश
Meaning in English - enthusiastic and eager:
Meaningful Sentence - The missionary was zealous in his efforts to educate the natives. 
Synonyms - fervent, eagar, enthusiastic
Antonyms - relectant
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