Note: As SBI PO/CLERK, IBPS PO/CLERK Prelims & Mains Exams is scheduled tentatively in the month of May to December. Before that we will start a series of questions based on Previous year papers & some expected MCQ's. It will help in your upcoming Exams.
A. 128
B. 256
C. 512
D. 1024
E. None of these
Q2. First techno park in India is stabilished in ?
A. Uttar Pradesh
B. Bhunbeshwar
C. Bhopal
D. Thiruvananthapuram
E. None of these
Q3.MS-word allows creation of_______type of documents by default ?
E. None of these
Q4._______runs on computer hardware and serve as plateform for other software to run on ?
A. Operating system
B. Application system
C. System
D. All of these
E. None of these
Q5. From which generation "Artificial Intelligence" this word is related?
A. First generation
B. Second generation
C. Fifth generation
D. Fifth generation
E. None of these
Q6.What is BIOS ?
A. Virus
B. Name of company
C. Operating System
D. Computer Programming Language
E. None of these
Q7.What do you call the space where the computer does its processing ?
D. Mother Board
E. None of these
Q8.IT stands for ?
A. Information technology
B. Intelligent technology
C. Integrated technology
D. Intersting technology
E. None of these
Q9.This ........tier processes HTP protocol, scripting tasks, perform calculaton and provides accesses to data ?
A. Client
B. Application/Web server
C. Enterprise server
E. None of these
Q10.Read only memory is permanently ___________in computer ?
A. Input
B. Tapped
C. Sealed
D. Manufacture and Control
E. None of these
Q11.Before the 1950's computer were mostly owned by ?
A. Universisties
B. Reserch Lab
C. For every person
D. Both 1 and 2
E. None of these
Q12._______is the process of carring out commands ?
A. Fetching
B. Executing
C. Storing
D. Decoding
E. None of these
Q13.A Keyboard is this kind of device ?
A. Black
B. Output
C. Input
D. Word Processing
E. None of these
Q14.________allows wireless mobile devices to access the internet and its services such as web and e-mail ?
B. Ethernet
D. Token
E. None of these
Q15. What do you do when you make changes to a document?
A. Drag
B. Click
C. Edit
D. Copy-Paste
E. None of these
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