Q1. Through which Constitutional Bill Nagarpalika Bill Passes ?
A. 70th Amendment
B. 80th Amendment
C. 72nd Amendment
D. 74th Amendment
A. 70th Amendment
B. 80th Amendment
C. 72nd Amendment
D. 74th Amendment
Q3. The First Speaker of Loksabha was ?
A. Rabi Ray
B. M. Ananthasayanam Ayangar
C. Hukam Singh
D. G.V.Mavalankar
A. Rabi Ray
B. M. Ananthasayanam Ayangar
C. Hukam Singh
D. G.V.Mavalankar
Q4. The greatness of Shershah lies in his ?
A. Victories against Harappa
B. Superior generalship
C. Administrative reforms
D. Religious tolerance
A. Victories against Harappa
B. Superior generalship
C. Administrative reforms
D. Religious tolerance
Q5. Neuton was discovered by ?
A. Einstein
B. Rutherford
C. Chadwick
D. Bohr
A. Einstein
B. Rutherford
C. Chadwick
D. Bohr
Q6. What is always contained in Amalgams ?
A. Iron
B. Fevicol
C. Gold
D. Mercury
A. Iron
B. Fevicol
C. Gold
D. Mercury
Q7. The year 2017 was observed as ?
A. Internatonal Year of Pulses
B. International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development
C. International Year for Medicine
D. None
A. Internatonal Year of Pulses
B. International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development
C. International Year for Medicine
D. None
Q8. The Struggle in MY life is a book authored by ?
A. Nelson Mandella
B. Narendra Modi
C. Chetan Bhagat
D. APJ Abdulkalam
A. Nelson Mandella
B. Narendra Modi
C. Chetan Bhagat
D. APJ Abdulkalam
Q9. Richter scale is a/an _______ scale to measure earth tremors ?
A. Exponential
B. Logarithmic
C. Grometric
D. Physical
A. Exponential
B. Logarithmic
C. Grometric
D. Physical
Q10. Which country is known as Land of morning calm ?
A. Finland
B. Korea
C. Thailand
D. Japan
A. Finland
B. Korea
C. Thailand
D. Japan
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