Current Affair November 2016 : Available in PDF
We Achiever's
Rule Team will start
providing "Monthly Current
Affairs Pocket Capsule" based
on One Liner from this Month
Onwards after discussion with several successful as well as Unsuccessful
candidates. We Analyse that 70-80% candidates Stucked either in Current Affair or in English.
The main problem of the candidates
facing with these materials is that they are oversized
and packed with so much information but not
to the point and to fetch
important information you need to spend so much time which is practically not
feasible in these tight schedule.
We Achiever's Rule Team
has decided to provide our readers "Monthly Current Affairs Pocket Capsule" which is Compact and Informative in
accordance with the questions generally asked in Various Government
Competitive Exams like IBPS, SSC, Railway Exams etc. If you cover up all the one liners, We
can assure you that you will be able to answer more than 90-95% questions in
these specific Sections in any Government Competitive Exams.
This "Monthly Current Affairs
Pocket Capsule" is purely prepared by Our Support Team who
already cracked Various Exams like SBI
PO 2015. "Monthly Current Affairs Pocket Capsule" is now available at FREE OF COST for the month of November 2016. You can Download it by clicking "Download" button. From the next month
On-wards it will be provided to our readers with a very nominal charge.
So, it's our request to our all dear
readers to go through this "Monthly
Current Affairs Pocket Capsule" properly and see the Drastic Changes in your performance. Necessary inputs
from our readers are heartily welcomed for our further improvements.
Benefits of
Achiever's Rule Monthly Pocket Capsule
# One Liner Short Bits
# Revamp your Current Affair Score.
# Covered all Topics in just 20 Pages.
# Save your time for other Sections which
is too weak.
# Applicable for any Government
Competitive Exams.
Try to Read Each & Every Line/Point of this “Monthly Pocket Capsule”. Never think this points are unnecessary/uncertain.
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